Kangaroo Flat Baptist Church

Fact or Fiction? 

I spent some time a while ago attempting to observe  the elusive platypus in a stream in the Atherton tablelands of Queensland.  Finally after much  waiting while standing motionless I observed and photographed this amazing little creature.

Seeing the platypus  reminded me of  some of the early  story of the platypus as recorded by Dr Ross Clifford.  Back  in the 1790’s   European zoologists were sceptical when they first heard of  this little creature described as furry, rabbit sized,  web footed,  had a duck bill and had a reproductive system like a reptile  and lived in rivers. It was an impossibility and an Australian hoax said many – including George Shaw who produced the first description of the animal in the Naturalist's Miscellany in 1799. He  stated that it was “impossible not to entertain doubts as to its genuine nature” .  Then the astonishing reports about the platypus were verified and the red faced zoologists became believers! 

Since then scientists have found out much more about this amazing creature. Its duck-like bill is actually a sensitive muzzle that allows the platypus to find tiny food morsels at the bottom of murky lakes and rivers and under rocks using highly developed electro-receptors.  When it submerges, it has a fold of skin that closes over its eyes and ears

Just like so many people in earlier times could not believe that such a creature as the platypus existed so there are many people now who can’t believe the death and resurrection of Jesus really took place.   Don’t let your  questions about the miracle of the resurrection stand in the way of honestly looking at the miracles of Jesus – including His resurrection.  The platypus does exist -  and Jesus Christ did die a sacrificial death for us  and rose again.

Are the Gospels that record the death and resurrection of Jesus reliable?   Ross Clifford records a statement by the former Chief Justice of NSW,  Sir Leslie Herron,  who stated about the Bible after much careful examination that the  “substance and the weight of the narration are true”.

  • The Gospels in the Bible are direct eyewitness accounts… The Gospel of Mark was written within 30 years of the resurrection of Jesus.   There are more than 24,000 pieces of  ancient manuscript found so far substantiating the historicity and accuracy of the Bible eg the Dead Sea Scrolls (“Evidence Demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell)
  • Evidence from outside the Bible speaks of the existence of Jesus,  eg Josephus (Romans historian) who wrote in A.D. 90 about Jesus and His “surprising works” as did Tacitus in A.D. 115.
  • Archaelogical evidence supports the Bible account eg the Pool of Siloam (John 9:7 – site of a miracle of Jesus) was found by archaeologists in 2004 confirming the accuracy of the Scriptures when the pool’s existence had previously been doubted.
  • The tomb was empty – the dead body of Jesus was never found – and Jesus was seen alive after His resurrection by over 500 eye witnesses  (1 Corinthians `5:3,4) – supported by solid evidence circulating  just 15 or so years after Jesus’s resurrection.   
  • The changed lives of the disciples of Jesus and of thousands of people since point clearly to the resurrected Christ… eg the British journalist, Malcolm Muggeridge.

Check out the evidence yourself.  It was Jesus who said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me”   John 14:6. To follow Jesus or reject Him – the most important question of our lives.  Skeptics will one day find  that Jesus Christ is reality.  Turn to Him now when He can be our Saviour and Lord or one day we face Him as our Judge.

Bruce Stewart.